
My love for reading started, like many other bookworms, when I was young. I spent the summers of my youth at my local library, where I lived many lives between the pages of middle-grade and manga books. Nowadays I read just about everything that piques my interest, from fantasy to romance, literary to thriller. My favorite books can be found across a wide array of genres, though my favorite stories and characters are those with compelling narratives, emotional complexity, and a dash of moral ambiguity.

I wasn’t actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Tender Curiosity originates from this quote in one of my favorite classics, The Great Gatsby. It’s the subtle feeling I get when I start a book that may, perhaps, become my next favorite. I created a Bookstagram in 2017 to share my love for reading and all things bookish. This blog is an expansion of that; dedicated to all my tender curiosities, from literary to lifestyle, reviews to recommendations. I hope you join me for conversations over coffee (or tea)!

Let’s get in touch.